Please register a new Homeowner Login which connects to a secure website environment providing you with direct access to information related to both your individual property and the community as a whole.
Homeowners can:
- View account balance and transaction history
- Update phone numbers, emails and billing address
- View and download important community documents and forms
- Pay DUES
- Send and receive messages
Please begin the login process by CLICKING HERE to create an account.
If you have already set up your account, please CLICK HERE to login.
Once you have created login credentials, you will be sent to the login screen that will take you directly to your community access. Please review the site and make sure your contact information is up to date in order to receive important neighborhood communications.
Homeowners can pay dues online directly via ACH/eCheck, Debit Card or Credit Card. Similar to most non-profit groups, homeowners associations cannot afford to absorb credit card and other electronic payment processing fees. A third party payment processing group is used and charges the following fees to assist your community with processing payments via ACH/eCheck, Debit Card or Credit Card.
New Fee Schedule as of December 30, 2024
– CREDIT/DEBIT CARD 3.25% (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex)
– ECheck $1.99 for each recurring payment
$2.99 for a one time payment
NOTE: The homeowner will be charged a fee equal to the rate indicated above multiplied by the homeowner’s dues/assessment amount.
NOTE: The Maximum transaction amount will be $7,500.00 for ACH/eCheck and Unlimited for Credit Cards/Debit Cards.
Your bank’s online bill pay system –Many owners use their bank’s online bill pay feature to pay routine bills. Banks process and send these payments to larger, well known and frequently used recipients like the power company, cable providers, credit card companies and others ELECTRONICALLY via ACH. These electronic ACH payments are received instantly by the larger groups without delay. Banks do not send payments electronically to smaller, less recognized groups such as the XYZ Homeowners Association. Instead, a physical, PAPER CHECK IS PROCESSED and placed in the US mail adding additional time to the process. For this reason, owners paying dues through their bank’s online bill pay feature should allow additional time and be aware that the date the bank shows “paid” or “received” is in most cases the day a check was placed in the US mail and sent off to smaller groups like homeowners associations.
Regular US Mail – Submit payment using return payment coupon provided. Please make checks payable to your community association. Be sure your physical address in the community or account number are included and mail to the address below.
C/O Premier Management Company, P.O. Box 1207, Commerce GA 30529